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A Geopark is an area recognized by the Global Geopark Network to have exceptional geological heritage. The Elliston area is part of what's known as the Discovery Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark that encompasses many geological sites and phenomena's located within the Bonavista Peninsula. Below you will find examples of the many geological formations and structures that encompass the Geopark within our community, such as our Root Cellars, Mini-Dungeon and Felsenmeer.

Root Cellars

Root Cellars

With our town holding the title of "Root Cellar Capital of the World" it's no surprise that the root cellar was one of the key elements of our town that put us on the map. A root cellar is a free-standing structure built above ground, or wholly or partly buried in the ground. They are used for storing vegetables over the winter. While root cellars are not unique to this province, they are especially prevalent on the Island. The little doors in hillsides are a familiar sight. A well-maintained root cellar kept a crop of summer root vegetables from freezing or rotting over the winter. They were therefore a crucial part of the subsistence lifestyle that allowed fishing families to settle along this province’s rugged coastline. Root Cellars were designated, in 2013, as a Distinctive Cultural Tradition and Practice.


Elliston declared itself the "Root Cellar Capital of the World" in July 2000. We had 133 documented root cellars, some of which have survived nearly two centuries. Unfortunately, a few have been destroyed in recent years with new construction or renovations to private property, so the true number is somewhat less. Nevertheless, Elliston remains a cultural center for those who seek to gain an understanding of early Newfoundland subsistence. On October 13th, 2013 root cellars were recognized as a distinct cultural tradition/practice by the Provincial Historic Commemorations Program.


A root cellar is a structure that was built in the days before electricity in order to keep vegetables from freezing in the winter months and to keep its contents cool during the warm summer months. However, they provided for more than just a place for storage of various items. Root cellars were also incorporated into the fun past times of the children. Boys and girls use to gather around the cellars and have all kinds of games. When the boys and girls would go out in the evenings, the boys would make use of the various cellars to scare the girls. Others believed there were spirits in the root cellars. The young boys would jump out and scare the young girls!

Folklore was associated with the root cellars as well. A common local story was that of parents informing their children that babies came from the root cellars. Children from the Maberly-Neck section of Elliston were told that babies came from John Murphy's cellar. It is possible that the story of babies coming from root cellars can be traced back to the United Kingdom. In Wales, parents would tell their children that Leprechauns lived in the cellars, and that these Leprechauns would sometimes kidnap a farmer's wife in order to help her deliver her baby.


The root cellar played an important role in the life of the people of Elliston and surrounding areas. This role was not only in the preservation of vegetables and other food supplies, but also in the games that were played by the children, and the stories of folklore that were passed down through the generations.



Mini-Dungeon / Felsenmeer

Elliston has what many people may describe as a Mini-Dungeon (aka Blow Hole) located not too far from Sandy Cove. This hollow in the ground was caused through the process of erosion over many years and is similar to Bonavista's Dungeon but on a smaller scale. It is fenced off but caution is advised about getting too close.

Felsenmeer n. (German)

"sea of rocks" or "boulder sea": chaotic, block-like assemblage of fractured rocks or rock surfaces.


Nunatak n. (Inuktitut)

"free of ice": an unglaciated area.


Elliston boasts a geological feature that is quite rare in this area. It is believed that Elliston Ridge (Burnt Ridge) during the last ice age remained un-glaciated (i.e., nunatak), which is rather unusual at such a low elevation.

This un-glaciated area led to the formation of Felsenmeer, which is essentially exposed rock surfaces that have been broken up by frost action so that much rock is buried under a cover of angular shattered boulders. This principally occurs in Arctic regions and high mountain areas. Their continuity and depth vary with climate, vegetation and rock type.


In Newfoundland there are only a few occurrences of Felsenmeer. One is in the high plateaus of western Newfoundland and the other is on the highlands east of the Goulds. Elliston's Felsenmeer unlike many other examples is readily accessible by foot at a much lower elevation on the Mark's Path and Elliston Ridge trails.


Note: There is still debate as to whether or not this site is truly an example of Felsenmeer.

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